Enter Contact No to receive confirmation of application.
Please note the further communication will be done in this mobile number only through WhatsApp
Select class for admission
Fill up the Pre-Application form & Apply
Wait for the approval of Pre-Application form by the School Authorities
If approved the payment link will be sent via Email/SMS/Call
Click on the payment link & choose your payment option to make the payment (Prospectus Fee + Application Fee)
Once the payment is registered with us, please wait for the message regarding admit card and interaction/assessment date from the school authorities via Email/SMS.
In case of payments debited from your account and Registration No. not issued, in such case please wait for 48 hours and then contact the school office at hpmi.188@gmail.com
In case of payments made offline, collect your application form from School Admissions Office
Fill Up the Application form and Apply
Paste the photographs and carry the Application form during the assessment/observation/interaction/Interview along with signatures and necessary documents as per documents as per the required guidelines and instructions.