Library Rules
- The Library is a Silent Zone. Students must maintain silence in the Library.
- Students have to pay a fine of Rs. 1/- per day for delay from the due date of return.
- Students are not allowed to enter the Library with food, water and personal items. They must keep their bags outside the Library before entering.
- Each student has to show their book at the exit during dispersal.
- For any loss or damage to the library book, the student has to replace the same within a week.
- Each student must check the library book while it is being issued and notify the Librarian if there are any defects.
- If any scribbling or damage to the book is found at the time of return, the student will have to replace the book.
- Students have to replace a book if they misplace it.
- Students of Class XII should submit the clearance slip (issued by the Librarian) to their respective class teachers to get their Admit Card for the Board Exam.
- Once issued from the Library, the students should only bring the books to the School on the day of return, as they might get lost.
- Students must carry their school almanac and pens/pencils to the Library to maintain a record of the books they read/issued to them.